We are a national business solutions consulting and project management agency specializing in Small Business and Energy Industry systems. Taking the approach to manage every project as a team, ultimately providing our clients with the most well-rounded set of results. From the look and feel of your business, to sales strategies, to all of the nitty gritty that is going on behind the scenes - we want to help clients put their best foot forward!
Taša Salyards
Owner / Managing Consultant
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website! I wanted to bring this consulting service vision to life because I have an overwhelming desire to help people when I hear about their new and exciting business ventures. So, I figured, why not take my decades of professional business experience to my community and help people with their businesses!? Whether that means I get to help you build your dreams from scratch or fine tune your well-oiled machine that you built years ago... Whatever it is, I envision that my participation in the solutions surrounding your business will be instrumental in the success or continued success for years to come!
I won't bore you too much with my professional experience but what I can say is, I have worked tirelessly since the age of 16. Up before the sun rises, home just in time for dinner plus plenty of late nights and almost 10 years straight of weekends on-call. My professional experience is highlighted by my career as a Natural Gas Scheduler and Trader within the Marketing spectrum of the Energy/Oil & Gas Industry. I also spent 3 years at a large Utility, working in the Gas Supply department. All of those experiences provided the opportunity to be hands on with process and system improvement and implementations. I have also built several successful businesses from scratch with my partner in crime (my husband) I have always enjoyed examining the arrangement and inner workings of the businesses that I have been a part of, often finding myself (happily) taking on tasks that weren't necessarily within my job description. Curiosity, multi-tasking and seeking constant refinement have always been my strong suits.
There is truly something so rewarding about assisting in the success and growth of someone else's (or your own) dreams and I am so eager to get to be a part of that for people within my community.
If you want to know more about my professional experience, I join you to visit my LinkedIn profile at your convenience.